
Friday, June 24, 2011

Run to whom

How easy to hold the moments when they are known

And yet scary to sit with them when they are not

Accessible, though they carry the power to be

Unfolding where faith meets the mettle of circumstance

Touching hard stones of yesterday

And calling to the rushing waters of tomorrow

Fear revealing the lies of laconic lips

That say too little to ears that would hear

Just as a swimming child fears the deep end

We run from waterfalls meant to fill canyons of longing

And prefer to play in fountains which with elusive spectacle

Recycle stale water and expel it upward

Then we gasp and pant instead of hunger and thirst

And never taste the bread that would teach us satiety

We deny our need and grovel in our want

With those around us receiving the loss

Press the refresh button one more time.

To exchange eyes that see and ears that hear

For the calloused organs that have lost their function

To have a heart that beats loudly

Instead of one that lies dormant and sedated

Transplanting that which is real and alive for that which has fallen to sleep.

Just breathe.

The time will come for lying down but not now

It’s time to wake up and arise

Step outside the door and run

Run to and not from. And never away.

Run to.

Matters not where but whom. Know to whom you’re going and run.

And the best part is I’ll meet you there.

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