
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Climbing Mount Everest - A Sex Trafficking Response

"If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large." -William Wilberforce

I watched the Nefarious: Merchant of Souls Documentary tonight with a group of Traffick911 volunteers and wept. I know so much about the horrors of what these women and girls (as young as 3) experience all over the world, and yet for some reason, tonight - seeing their faces, hearing their stories, and viewing reenactments of the brutality and dehumanization they undergo in order to be sold as products to the highest bidder - it was almost more than I could bear. My heart cries with them.

This morning I taught a fun, upbeat dance to a group of young disadvantaged girls in Dallas through a ministry called Dream Angels - it was a blessing and joy to be a part of. Watching this documentary tonight, I could not help but think about these girls. There's the cute little black girl Karmen with her afro side ponytail and Steve Urkel glasses, whose bubbling energy could likely revive a city in the event of a blackout. Oh, and the sassy latina Ashley, whose eyes say "I'm too cool for school", as she looks twice at you to find out if you really see her. With my eyes, I said "yes" and watched her exterior melt. Bright smiling Denise with gray leggings and a high ponytail - we bonded over her name, which I had at one point been determined to name one of my daughters. My point is I know these girls have stories. And I cringe to think that they could easily stand next to the girls in this documentary, several of whom are shown playing in their own neighborhoods. Lord, bring the darkness to light and set the captives free. 

All this to say - I see Mount Everest hovering before me. And all I can take is a small step of obedience up the mountain. The step that precedes all other steps. I pray that the Lord will lift me up to the top, but know in my heart, that more likely He will do what He has done before - take my hand and walk alongside me each step of the way. God is telling me that He has chosen to take someone like me - so small and seemingly inconsequential - and use me to speak boldly and courageously against this injustice. As small as I may be, I just can't stand it. All the more glory to His name.

The task seems impossible, but here is where I have to stop and tell you - Jesus has made the way. All we have to do is walk in it. He is powerful, true, and worthy. He is teaching me to walk in joy in His name, because even in the darkest places and deepest suffering, He is present, bringing His light and renown to transform them. In the middle of His will is the safest and most delightful place we could ever be. And He has led me step by step into places of deep darkness, handing me votive candles to light up the night - a vigil to show that He is not finished yet. The sun will dawn.

Something the Lord has put on my heart for a long time - and continues to burden me with - is the longing, the hope, the deep desire to see men.wake.up. This is not because I cannot do anything - I can and I will. It is because I know that I cannot do what a man can, as much as I may want to. It breaks my heart to watch men play video games, play the rat race, and play with women's bodies, and even more, their hearts. It makes me think of Edmund Burke's quote: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". I pray with all my heart (and have been granted such beautiful grace to watch this begin happening) that men of God will live the gospel as boldly and passionately as they cheer for their favorite sports' teams. That they will harness all their God-given energy for fighting and vying for honor to fight for the least of these and vie for the honor of God, a far greater honor.

I am praying that the gospel will go forth in power - in word and deed. I am praying that the bride of Christ will represent Him well. I am praying that I will be changed too and can already feel it. He won't let me go. I am and will forever be an incurable fanatic. I love Jesus. And His love has compelled me to be "feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures". Praying with all my heart for rescue and healing for these girls, for these women. Praying for salvation for the pimps and johns, who are running a system that scars their souls. Praying that the politicians and cops would be convicted of their complicity in organized crime, and instead would do their part to change the laws and enforce them to protect the most vulnerable. Praying that the demand would cease, that men and women would enjoy their sexuality as God intended - in monogamous marriages. Praying that the name of Jesus would be high and lifted up as the tide is turned toward the abolition of slavery (for the good of all) and men and women all over the world would know Him even as they are fully known by Him. 

Praying for shalom. 

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