Monday, August 20, 2012
Letters Unread
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Goodbye as the New Hello
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Climbing Mount Everest - A Sex Trafficking Response
I watched the Nefarious: Merchant of Souls Documentary tonight with a group of Traffick911 volunteers and wept. I know so much about the horrors of what these women and girls (as young as 3) experience all over the world, and yet for some reason, tonight - seeing their faces, hearing their stories, and viewing reenactments of the brutality and dehumanization they undergo in order to be sold as products to the highest bidder - it was almost more than I could bear. My heart cries with them.
This morning I taught a fun, upbeat dance to a group of young disadvantaged girls in Dallas through a ministry called Dream Angels - it was a blessing and joy to be a part of. Watching this documentary tonight, I could not help but think about these girls. There's the cute little black girl Karmen with her afro side ponytail and Steve Urkel glasses, whose bubbling energy could likely revive a city in the event of a blackout. Oh, and the sassy latina Ashley, whose eyes say "I'm too cool for school", as she looks twice at you to find out if you really see her. With my eyes, I said "yes" and watched her exterior melt. Bright smiling Denise with gray leggings and a high ponytail - we bonded over her name, which I had at one point been determined to name one of my daughters. My point is I know these girls have stories. And I cringe to think that they could easily stand next to the girls in this documentary, several of whom are shown playing in their own neighborhoods. Lord, bring the darkness to light and set the captives free.
All this to say - I see Mount Everest hovering before me. And all I can take is a small step of obedience up the mountain. The step that precedes all other steps. I pray that the Lord will lift me up to the top, but know in my heart, that more likely He will do what He has done before - take my hand and walk alongside me each step of the way. God is telling me that He has chosen to take someone like me - so small and seemingly inconsequential - and use me to speak boldly and courageously against this injustice. As small as I may be, I just can't stand it. All the more glory to His name.
The task seems impossible, but here is where I have to stop and tell you - Jesus has made the way. All we have to do is walk in it. He is powerful, true, and worthy. He is teaching me to walk in joy in His name, because even in the darkest places and deepest suffering, He is present, bringing His light and renown to transform them. In the middle of His will is the safest and most delightful place we could ever be. And He has led me step by step into places of deep darkness, handing me votive candles to light up the night - a vigil to show that He is not finished yet. The sun will dawn.
Something the Lord has put on my heart for a long time - and continues to burden me with - is the longing, the hope, the deep desire to see men.wake.up. This is not because I cannot do anything - I can and I will. It is because I know that I cannot do what a man can, as much as I may want to. It breaks my heart to watch men play video games, play the rat race, and play with women's bodies, and even more, their hearts. It makes me think of Edmund Burke's quote: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". I pray with all my heart (and have been granted such beautiful grace to watch this begin happening) that men of God will live the gospel as boldly and passionately as they cheer for their favorite sports' teams. That they will harness all their God-given energy for fighting and vying for honor to fight for the least of these and vie for the honor of God, a far greater honor.
I am praying that the gospel will go forth in power - in word and deed. I am praying that the bride of Christ will represent Him well. I am praying that I will be changed too and can already feel it. He won't let me go. I am and will forever be an incurable fanatic. I love Jesus. And His love has compelled me to be "feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures". Praying with all my heart for rescue and healing for these girls, for these women. Praying for salvation for the pimps and johns, who are running a system that scars their souls. Praying that the politicians and cops would be convicted of their complicity in organized crime, and instead would do their part to change the laws and enforce them to protect the most vulnerable. Praying that the demand would cease, that men and women would enjoy their sexuality as God intended - in monogamous marriages. Praying that the name of Jesus would be high and lifted up as the tide is turned toward the abolition of slavery (for the good of all) and men and women all over the world would know Him even as they are fully known by Him.
Praying for shalom.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Gleaning Treasure in the Dark and Secret Places
Several dear friends have challenged me as I walk through this uncertain time to praise the Lord. Not because I understand my circumstances or choose them, but because He is worthy and good. As I have done this, my eyes have opened to more and more treasure in the dark and secret places. Today, in the midst of an upset stomach, intermittent feelings of shame, and a parking citation - I had loving text messages and phone calls from dear friends. I had a whole hour to process clients with my wonderfully supportive supervisor. I had a job interview at an inpatient psychiatric hospital that actually looks promising (and too big for me - in a good, humbling way). I had a meeting with good friends who live to love and serve the Lord, challenging me. I had a "So You Think You Can Dance?" chill time with girlfriends, who truly care for me - no strings attached. You see what I mean? Treasure.
One of my favorite pieces of treasure as of late has been my experience as a counselor. I don't know how I get the honor to look into people's souls, hear their cries, hold their hands, pray over their shame, their fear, their grief, their confusion, and watch lights come on in their eyes as they stumble into truth and life. Sometimes I don't get to see this happen - and yet, I know not a word of truth spoken in love is ever wasted. But the times I do get to see it - and these have been multiplying - are the sweetest gifts to my soul. They make every.bit.of.the.ache. worth it. I am able to comfort because I have been comforted. I am being comforted, even in this moment. Why would I trade the moments that I get to feel the Lord's heart for a person in front of me, to see with His eyes, and to know that our present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us? No longer mere words to me. I have begged the Lord for wisdom and understanding - His answer, along with yes, has been "Go where I have walked, see what I have seen, take up your cross and follow me." I have seen too much goodness to turn back now.
When the lights go out and darkness falls all around you, it takes some time for your eyes to adjust. But once they do, you can see what really glows. It may not be what you think. For He uses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise and the weak things of the world to shame the strong. Look much more closely at what the world calls weak and foolish and you just might discover gold.
I have. And I'd like to share it with you.
Give thanks in all.circumstances.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Never Going to Be the Same Again
With all that said, I have been reflecting on my life and praying with an uncharacteristic soberness. I have experienced a dynamic shift within my soul and honestly believe that I am never going to be the same again. Something has happened recently that has jolted me out of a slumber and caused me to look at this past year with a new perspective. I have witnessed a miracle unlike anything I've ever seen before. One of my dearest friends Suzanne has swept out of my life as quickly and fully as she swept in. A month and a half ago, she was not called to the nations. I even remember arguing with her about the importance of international missions, as she charged that we are all sent (which is true) but not the point. Her point was that she did not see why there was a great deal of honor and attention given to those sent to the nations, even though this is clearly the movement of God's heart among us. And then a series of events fell into place - conversations with her closest friends, a "Don't Waste Your Life" sermon by John Piper, a joy in sharing the gospel, a love for diversity, a loosening of her hands on her possessions and worldly desires, and intimacy with the Spirit of the Lord. And before I knew it, she desired to sell everything she had to go to one of the darkest places on earth in India and share the gospel, to live and walk alongside the poor and destitute. And if that weren't jolting enough, just a couple of weeks after deciding this, she went. And I can attest to every confirmation from the Lord along the way - freeing her from her job (from which she had no reason to be let go), enabling her to get into the Iris mission school after the deadline had passed, and obtaining a 10 year visa to India in one day (when they were only giving visas out for life and death emergencies). These are just a few of the confirmations.
Honestly, the above would affect me deeply apart from knowing Suzanne, but it affects me tremendously and so much more because I have walked closely with this woman - cried heavy tears, laughed with abandon, held hands, prayed with fervor, talked with gusto, and lived through many quiet, still moments. She is a kindred spirit - one whom I walked closely with for not quite a year and felt as if I knew her for a lifetime. I have known her faults, fears, and desires. I have battled with her and for her. And boy has she battled with and for me. She is a real person. And yet, I've never met anyone like her in all my life. She has had it all - everything the world would call valuable - money, status, and success. She was stripped of it all at one time in her life, and now, she has let it all go. I have seen a humble (though fiery) woman with Jesus in her eyes. I have seen the Spirit of God take hold of her heart to the point that she really got it - she saw the gospel in all its beauty and fullness, saw the shortness of life, and saw so many souls that needed to hear. I'm writing this and crying. I really wish you could've known Suzanne like I know her. You would never be the same either. I love her so much because I see Jesus in her. Suzanne knows the worth of Jesus, and her life is the loudest sermon I've ever heard proclaiming his worth. It has been the sweetest grief to let her go - grief because I miss her so much as a special part of my life (one that I will cherish forever) and sweet because I believe in what she's doing and the God she's running with. I believe that He loves the people in India too much to keep her here, as much as I would selfishly want to do so.
The reason I'm recounting all this with such prayerful soberness is because I can't see all of this and look at my life in the ways I have been anymore. I'm still processing how this has changed me and the implications it holds for my future. I'm praying, walking forward, and trusting that God will show me. I lay my gifts, my life, my hopes and dreams at His feet, believing that He will make them worth so much more than I ever could clinging to them so tightly.
I have been given the blessed honor of walking with a modern day Amy Carmichael and feel the Lord's love for me in knitting me together with so beautiful a soul. I am beyond grateful and humbled and surrendered to Him. May He get half the glory in this little life that He has already received in hers.
Praying for you, dear friend of my heart. Blessings all over your precious life.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Just Breathe

My favorite line from my favorite movie.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
A Cup Full of Sweet Water
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Redemptive Tears
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The Day I Became a Woman
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Stroll Down Memory Lane - Resurrecting Old Blog Posts
The name Ellen means "mercy, light."
In the story of my mind, Alan and Ellen's worlds collide, sending sparks of light all around, confounding the wisdom of the world with the delicacy of nobility and the undeserved impartation of mercy.
The question remains--Is the enamorment mutual between Alan and Ellen, or must nobility and mercy forever walk along separate lines, still impactful, yet not as earth-shattering as if the two virtues were combined and detonated by the passion of God lighting them?
The saga continues...
“The Stuff of Miracles”
I am all too familiar with Eve’s story. It’s mine, too. You see…God formed me from Adam’s rib and brought me to him as a companion. Then Adam looked at me and said, “I’m waiting on Eve.” I laughed to myself, because I knew that he didn’t recognize me as his wife. I could tell him all day the truth of my identity and purpose, but until he understood it himself, his disbelief would override my surety. What I have left out is that God put Adam to sleep for a long time…so long that Adam had begun to adjust to the solitude in my absence. He dreamed about me so much that he had dissolved the hope of my reality and consigned himself to hang onto the dream instead. Sometimes it’s easier to hope for something forever than to actually accept it when it’s there. What if we mess it up? It can be perfect in our minds in a way that it never can be in reality. So God brought me to Adam, and Adam put me on hold for the dream Eve. This broke my little Eve heart, because the man I was created to love was in love with the false substitute of me. Ironic and unbelievable…but true. Yet I stayed by his side and loved him in subtle, secret ways that wouldn’t jar him from his dream world. I didn’t want to invade and overtake him from the illusion. No, I longed to woo him out. I knew that if he truly saw me, he would prefer me to the dream. Now, I need to confess…when I said God brought me to Adam, I didn’t tell the whole truth. Actually, Adam doesn’t even know that I’m here right now. You see…he’s still asleep. And I’m not quite finished yet. God was reminding me of this the whole time I was wishing for his notice, but I couldn’t help myself. Why can’t he open up his eyes and behold me? God said that he would not recognize me in part but in completion. God apparently has given Adam this keen ability to name things appropriately. He named giraffes, lions, elephants, and bears as what they were created to be. But until he sees me as the finished product of his mate, he will have to withhold the name I am destined for…Eve. I am so close to the identity I can almost taste it. But it is in waiting and longing that God fashions me beautifully in His care. I fall in love with Adam while watching him sleep and fall in love with God in our special time alone. And the rest…as you know, is historically the stuff of miracles.
I have so many old blog posts, but since I was in a whimsical, romantic mood, I chose these. The dreams God gives us are beautiful, even if we never experience them ourselves. At relatively immature and difficult times in my life, God gave me these dreams. And to this day, I see forms of them happening all around me. In romantic love. Brotherly love. Sisterly love. Parent/child love. Friend love.
God is writing poetry into our lives, each syllable having a purpose in its rhyme and rhythm. I can't wait to read the next line.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
The Meaning of Sex
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
For Freedom

One journey and then another
Lives cross and intermingle
Hardly knowing the destination
The path that must be taken
And what must be given up
For freedom
Constrained by time, space, and context
Given purpose and a voice
But what do we do with them?
Labor against the chains
And speak out boldly
For freedom
Yet the labor itself is constraining
And our best of intentions, failing
We tie ourselves in knots
In attempts to make a bow
And all the while we're pining
For freedom
It. rarely. meets. us. elegantly.
But with arched bow and outstretched arms
The battle is waged for our souls
We give up our lives, lay down our charms
To grasp the fullness of life
From the One who gave it all for us
Freedom from what we were.
Freedom for all we will be.
Free. as. birds.
You and me. Free.
The cry of my heart, the longing of my soul
As I hold your hand, remember--
This journey
To bind ourselves to Love
To be truly free.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Stepping Out of the Buffet Line
There are those rare, yet potent moments in our lives when we realize that something we’re doing is supporting a system that we despise, and so we are responsible to change if we are to constructively speak out against the inherent danger of the system. Or else resign ourselves to hypocrisy with eyes wide open.
I have recently had one of those moments. I have long recognized a system that has bothered and puzzled me and yet have found myself blindly playing within it. The buffet line is the system of male and female interaction that is a product of our Western consumerist culture and the postmodern era. Oh, not to mention human selfishness. The way it works is that men look at all the choices available and try various women on for size, while women compete for their attention and notice. Well-named the buffet line.
What is so sad about this arrangement is that it’s a game that can’t be won. So everyone plays and plays. Men are left disappointed; women are left hurting. And in the body of Christ, it does nothing to stir brotherly and sisterly affection. Rather, it encourages frustration, jealousy, and division. And men and women who would like to marry are left wondering what has gone wrong.
Well, call me naïve, call me idealistic, but I cannot settle for playing with mud pies when I’m offered a holiday at the sea. I have a vision for how beautiful love can be. For a man to choose one woman and pursue her. To lay down his life for her. For her to follow him with abandon. Like Jesus and the church.
And so that means I have to leave the buffet line. I have to sit down and choose the four-course meal. Even if that means that I enjoy it alone, that no one comes with me. It’s worth the risk. And it’s an opportunity for me to trust that my God knows what He’s doing. I don’t have to submit myself to the buffet line or play the game that can’t be won. If He so chooses, He can lead me to a man who knows my name and recognizes me as his choice.
I recognize that no one is perfect and that life is messy. I’m as thankful for grace as anyone. I’m not laying out an accusation toward anyone specifically, because I believe that this problem is bigger than any individual’s contribution. But at the same time, I believe that the system would die if we all stopped supporting it. With this in mind, I’ve made my choice.
What does it look like for me to pull out of the system? To treat my brothers like brothers and sisters like sisters. To love well and purely, rather than selfishly. To lay aside my desires for the good of my brothers and sisters. Hopefully, the very attitude that should mark my life whether or not I ever become a wife.
So feel free to take my spot in the buffet line if you want. Or better yet, come sit down with me for the four-course meal. I've heard steak is the main entree.